Friday, July 5, 2024

Like Robin Williams.

Previously posted on my Facebook page. Or written years ago, unedited/not updated.

AS I grow older, I gravitate more to a quieter, less interactive life. I have become more conscious of how my spoken words—passion, intensity, sentiment, reflex and response cut through to the other person—as opposed to my written words that are mostly directed to humanity at large than a singular human being. I now can understand why Henry David Thoreau sought solace in the woods, JD Salinger (and many writers) opted to be recluse, Edgar Allan Poe and Jackson Pollock took to drinking, and Kurt Cobain and Ernest Hemingway simply gave up altogether. 

       It is the fear of hurting people, of being condemned abusive or tyrannical or egoistic and self-centered, of being the reason for people's misery. It is very weird to be feeling that way when you're supposed to be smart, wise, loving, and “older.” 🙂🙃🙂

I SAW a movie that was one of Robin Williams' last before he caved in and passed away. It is about an older man who couldn't quite deal with his anger—that even expressing love to his own son didn't manifest the way he hoped it would because anger got in the way. And I thought the real Mr Williams was the lovable comic who made us all laugh than cry, calmed us down than infuriate us—and then, he took his life. All along he was a very tormented, depressed man. 

       He gave up maybe because he thought, in actual life, making people laugh or happy isn't as easy as it seems—that going away is much more peaceful and liberating than getting angry or forever tied with medications to control his emotions or alcohol to numb it? 🌳🪵🦝

PARADOX of life—a life that is supposed to be a gift and blessing, to some it is such a bitter pill to swallow sometimes. Many years ago, when I was in high school, I saw a movie with an intriguing dream sequence that explored action/interaction, reflex and response. The scene inferred that a person who responds to anger with a soft voice of acceptance delivered in words of wisdom is what we should be aiming for. 

       A person, who after being cussed at or even slapped in the face, would just go, “It's okay for cursing at me—that is part of your inner voice like love and compassion. I only see love inside you than hatred. Go and think deeper, and if you decide to talk again, I am here for you.” I mean, who wants to be that very pacified and forgiving person—unless he/she's an $85/hour shrink or $313/hour attorney? 

       I am hardly paid to listen to rage and drama with a notepad and pen on my hand yet I kind of did almost the same job as creative writing teacher and theater arts facilitator to a diverse group of students—from prison inmates to widows of war, from inner city at-risk kids to recovering drug addicts, and individual friends who had to wrestle with all kinds of psychological torment and emotional agony. Many times it feels better to be on the receiving end, whether the anger is directed at me or not—than the jerk who gives or delivers it. 🙂🙃🙂

MY spoken words have become so redundant and drained, and these all bounce back like rubber balls to my face. Hence, it is more relieving and comforting, and yes—spiritual, to seek solace in silence and just let the anger break into smithereens within and find their redemption on paper. Once the words are out there, no confused cacophony of human sounds to deliver them—take it or leave it, feel good about it or just ignore it. Nothing personal... 

       Indeed, a writer's work is never done. We write because we need to live this life, and try not to drown in a tempest of unrelenting human flaw such as anger. We write because we want to love and not hate, and more importantly—we write because we don't want to give up. 🌳🪵🦝

Monday, April 29, 2024

About Dogs and Cats and their Buddies. And some little jokes.

Previously posted on my Facebook Page.

SOME dogs prefer the palatability of canned food over kibble. When dogs have to spend time away from home, it may help them to eat more normally if they have a little encouragement from some delicious canned food along with their kibble. What about you, what do you prefer for your dinner? Canned food or kibble? These are not poisons. So to save on money for monthly bills and streaming TV fees, you may eat dog food, too. 🥫😋🥘

BEING overjoyed about going for a walk is almost universal among dogs. If you reach for their leash, lace up your shoes or do anything that suggests even the remote possibility that you are going for a walk, your dog is probably thrilled. So it doesn’t matter about the leash. It’s all about the walk. (As the cat watches in sarcastic amazement.) 🦮🚶‍♂️🦮

CATS are low maintenance. Compared to dogs, cats are a low maintenance pet. They don't require formal training, they don't need to be taken out multiple times a day, and they're even able to take care of basic self-cleaning. They are cool alone while the dog is a drama queen when left for 2 minutes. Cats also go online and google stuff in case they want to know something, instead of asking you. Stuff like that. 🐕💸🐈

WHAT do you think is wrong with our society today? Some say lack of self respect, critical thinking skills, open debate, accepting other cultures, prone to violence to solve problems etc etcetera. People tend to behave badly mainly because they don’t have a dog or a cat. Yup. 🐕🥹🐕‍🦺

HOW do you fix a picky eater dog? Offer a meal at the same time each day, and give your pet a certain amount of time to eat it, say 15 or 20 minutes. If they don't eat within that time, take the food away and try it at the next meal. The idea is to set a routine where they know that if they skip this meal, they can eat in a few hours. If that doesn’t work, let the cat talk to your dog. Cats are kickass dinner behaviorists or food manipulators. Uh huh. 🐕🍵🐕

ALTHOUGH laughter has been shown in some animals, with current scientific knowledge, it seems that cats don't laugh – although they do have their own noises to indicate they are happy. They do have the ability to make facial expressions that look like laughing, but this doesn't mean they are happy. Nope, I think they also feel happiness or joy. Fizz and Ching prefer to text me LOL! 😺😸😹

VIRTUAL REALITY, the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. Open-arms acceptance of AI means humanity has been, indeed, transported in a mental/emotional universe of virtual reality. 🤖👺🥹

SHORT meow is like a standard greeting or hello. A drawn-out meow can be a demand for something immediately like “feed me now” or “open the door.” A higher pitched longer meow, or yowl could mean pain or anger. A text or IM is a warning. But a signboard or placard means a threat that DSS may be on their way. 😼😿🐱

A RECENT study from Oregon State University claims that cats not only enjoy human interaction, they may even enjoy it more than food. 50 cats were denied human interaction, food, toys and scents for a few hours. They were then re-introduced to the four stimuli and 50 percent of the felines chose human interaction over the other three possibilities. Does that mean cats are cooler than dogs? Do you disagree? But don’t hate me, I am not pro-Trump. 🐱😎🐱

RECIPE, a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required. If suddenly your favorite tuna casserole tastes different, your cat must have altered it per her preferred taste. Is it sprinkled with catnips? Yup. 📃🥣📃

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

RECOMMENDED. “Star Wars Trilogy.”

RECOMMENDED. Movie/s. “Star Wars Trilogy.” The first set of three films produced in the Star Wars franchise by George Lucas. 1977: “Star Wars.” 1980: “The Empire Strikes Back.” 1983: “Return of the Jedi.” Then there was a prequel trilogy between 1999 and 2005, and a sequel trilogy between 2015 and 2019. And so on and so forth. 

       Collectively, all these or post-1983 (including the first 3) are referred to as the "Skywalker Saga," which I don’t really care about. As far as me is concerned, “Star Wars” ended in “Return of the Jedi.” Sure, there was a woman Yoda named Yaddle, and there could be LGBT or trans or dog and cat versions of the Old and Green Master, as well as New Correctness equivalents of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2. I bet Ewoks would be “inappropriate” so puppies and kittens may replace Ewoks? 

       The Galactic Civil War is fiction, not a fact. The fight between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, to me, is classic Bad vs Good played up in grand make-believe cinema. Not Republicans vs Democrats or Conservatives vs Liberals. So don’t push it, okay? LOL!

       If you are a fan of Akira Kurosawa and have seen “Kagemusha” (1980) and “Ran” (1985), there are striking similarities. But the former was set during old Japan’s Sengoku period (1457 to 1615), long before the United States was born, and the latter was based on William Shakespeare’s “King Lear.” 

       The genius of George Lucas is his sheer improvisational inventiveness (in melding historical facts and what “could be” future parallels) and amazing flair in effectively crosscutting a coterie of you and me characters with fantastical inventions without losing grip. Did I see all these in succeeding prequels and sequels and spinoffs? I don’t know. I don’t even know what post-1983 Star Wars derivative I saw, started and didn’t finish, or is there another one or two coming?

       That’s when we lose the magic and realism of “Star Wars.” Commercialism’s nauseating excess. 🎬🎭🎬

Friday, March 29, 2024

Compilation of short MORNING THOUGHTS on Facebook.

For a time, I had a sweet respite from takin’ in endless political darkness in here via friends’ funny memes. Till the memes turned into Christmas shaming and (again!) the seemingly obligatory political murkthrow. Yes, a fact of Social Media. But they keep on showing up on my Homepage. Where are the “Nostalgia” photos? And sheer comical/cute dog and cat videos? Sure, I obviously dig political discourse—but not the juvenile heckling. I am a grandpa. Can we chill a bit? ☎️🤪🦊

Just give. Don’t overthink it. Christmas/ses and birthdays etcetera. Give. When I tell people that the amount that I spend for Christmas gifts is a lot less than what most Christmas/gifts-hating people spend on St Patrick’s drinking revelry, they get offended and say I am such a smartass! LOL! Yet if “penniless” happens in December, create gifts. Gift isn’t a consumer product. It is a human gesture of goodness. Wrap it with love. And don't forget the dogs and cat. 🎁🧸🎁

New technological baubles flood the market, flashed in front of children. Yet youths slide to juvenile shenanigans to full-blown crimes. Facts of life. Continuum of existence. Once the child “flies those wings” in freedom and frolic, we don’t know what’s next. So we turn to primal parenthood. Meantime, divorces are facts as well. Yet there must be a way that quarreling mom and dad could be civil in re shared parenting. The child both love them. When tug of war confuses the child, they turn to the obvious escape. 👩‍🦰👶👨

Think small, aim big—was the good rallying juju of SMEs or small and medium entrepreneurship before globalization took over economics. It is still an effective guiding wisdom for independent traders vis a vis giant franchises. Produce local, manufacture community-level. The supply chain is moved by/from different sources beyond the locality but if the profit is concentrated within, and revolves inside the village, sustainability is served and the benefits are much higher. 👜💸👞

Today’s Brunch. I was born into and grew up eating full meals 3x a day + 3 more snacks at 10 AM, 4 PM, and if I am awake, 12 midnight. That changed when I moved to America. Sociocultural conditioning, you reckon? I basically eat 1 full meal each day + little bits in between these days. I try to balance my food. I eat toxic, I eat non-toxic. And I try to be cool in and around the Left and Right. So I haven’t been healthier in my life! Food is my meds, Prozac, and vaccine. 🥑🥥🍅

Most of my Facebook friends are (around) my age or older than me. Yet I notice that many have gotten back to grade school “hooliganism,” bullying, shaming, and heckling. I bet though these AARP people would castigate their grandkids for exactly doing what they’re doing. But I guess it’s fun? Anti-Christianity “humor,” mostly—that grossly offend devout Christians. But no, they won’t do that to Muslims though they got insults leveled at them, as well. We know why they won’t. ?☮️😫

Religious Faith or cultural diversity is interfaced via "holidays." Official holidays are work-break so we got time to relax or be with family or friends. Enjoy an “office hassle” free day. Popular frolic on St Patrick’s Day, it’d seem don’t have anything to do with St Patrick’s Christianity. Hangin’ out in festive drinking is the popular norm. Tribal harvest gatherings are enjoyed by all for convergence fun and community peace. We take the good, we reject the bad. Primal. ☮🗿☯️

Religion is preached as an ideation of God, yet it is mostly an expression of culture. God/dess is a concept of Good. A standard. So Faith is physicalized as community for mutual good. Hence tribal beliefs interfaced with what Churches brought. But it was the Good that paved the way for coexistence—in trade, art, feasts, food, sports. If diverse thoughts could enjoy St Patrick’s Day regardless of the Christian backstory, why would Christmas be different? The beers, maybe? ☮️❤️✝️

Time to decorate the front porch with Christmas. My family and kinship back home and elsewhere are religious. But I don’t think I am or my housemates either. Though we say a prayer before dinner. Christians celebrate these days. Others also have their rituals. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Wiccans, Shinto. The irreligious also got their days. To observe Belief in holiday rites is a human right. So why are those who advocate rights insult believers, especially Christians? 

       In all Faith or non-Faith, cultural life or politics/ideology, there are evil as there are good. We are an interplay of light and dark. We wrestle with our polar extremes as we breathe. Life. So why don’t we gravitate more to the goodness than badness of any religion or irreligion, politics or non-politics? Ain’t negativity and shaming getting so boring? ❤️✝️

The German series “Dark” deals with time travel. Not really science fiction but more family/small-town drama. Ponder: Rework the past so we can alter the present? Thing is, even if time machines are real, there’s nothing we can do to fix what already happened. But it’s good to look back and reassess what we can do today for the future. I don't mean the contradictions of “climate change” advocacy. But more on “family and small town,” like the TV series. 📺⏰☎️

Monday, March 18, 2024


“Exile on Main St.” The 1972 album of The Rolling Stones. A little backstory: Recording began in 1969 in England, and continued in mid-1971 at a rented villa in the South of France while the band lived abroad as tax exiles. A collage of various images, the album's artwork, according to frontman Mick Jagger, reflects the Rolling Stones as "runaway outlaws using the blues as its weapon against the world,” showcasing "feeling of joyful isolation, grinning in the face of a scary and unknown future.” 

       I do dig background tales and stories how artists collectively work/ed. Such as Bob Dylan and The Band toiling in the Big Pink, a house in West Saugerties, New York. The Band’s “Music from Big Pink” (1968) and Dylan’s “The Basement Tapes” (1975) emanated from that house. 

       The Stones’ “Exile on Main St.” was recorded in a French villa called Nellcote. Although overdub sessions were completed at Los Angeles's Sunset Sound—with additions of pianist Nicky Hopkins, saxophonist Bobby Keys, drummer Jimmy Miller and horn player Jim Price—the feel and feelings of “Exile…” was all Nellcote, though I don’t know how’s that, really. LOL! 

       It was all about the music--blues, rock and roll, swing, country and gospel, and lyricism that navigated playful, eerie themes of hedonism, sex and whatever—that got me hooked to this rock/blues outlaw abandon.

       Sure, we get the definitive thump, thud, and trickery of "Tumbling Dice," "Happy," “Ventilator Blues," “Sweet Virginia,” and "Soul Survivor." But there’s also a loose cover of Robert Johnson’s "Stop Breaking Down."

       The Rolling Stones never disappoint me. Can’t help shake my skinny hips and all that. But on “Exile on Main St.,” I also somehow feel how the blues really rocks in an isolated world of self-imposed exiles. 🎼🎹🎼

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Old Talk: Political Talk. And Stuff.

Previously posted on my Facebook page. Or written years ago, unedited/not updated.

MAJOR reasons for individual animosities and global wars are kickstarted by polarities or non-compromises in the area of faith/religion (culture), politics and ideologies. When another energy or party bullies, imposes or forces its belief or stand over the other, it's going to be messy... 

       I always believe that all religions and cultures, political ideologies or party principles—are hinged or dovetailed on a good thing, for the common good of the people and communities that these human-designed norms and tenets are meant for. Christian or Pagan, Buddhist or Muslim, Republican or Democrat, Filipino or Somali, Communist or otherwise, black or white or yellow or brown and red—we are all here to enjoy Earth and Life under universal good. Universal Good is no-brainer. It doesn't have to be discussed all the time on TV talk shows, or hallowed halls of power, or neighborhood cafe. 

       A socialist finds it hard to vibe with a capitalist—but maybe southern blues rock can; a Pagan may not be able to share thoughts over sun and moon with a Christian but a nice brewed cocoa may gather them again; a Republican or Democrat may debate over Obamacare but, hey—sometimes they agree on a March Madness Bracketology. Whatever it is that we believe in, we have to stick by it, because I reckon all these that we believe in were originally guided by a sweet hand of goodness. The Holy Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, The Red Book, I-Ching, paella, and strawberry salad—are all good, great and holy. Be consistent, be staunch, be cool.

       What I don't dig are those who tread contradictions in favor of convenience. Che Guevara was a true revolutionary who dug in the wicked woods of his wars—he didn't purchase that beret on Amazon or I don't think he squirmed over “bizarre” food in the jungles of Bolivia. Whoever god or god/dess that we pay praises for—I bet that spiritual light didn't say I have white, immaculate skin of purity and yours is tangerine flesh of doom. 

       Criticize me, I'll criticize you; smile at me, I'll smile back at you—the human logic is quite simple. But sharing the good stuff is always more pleasurable than the opposite. When food is served on the table, the cook didn't say this lasagna is for Republicans and that pot pie is for Democrats. Or snow didn't just fall for the Cherokee, and rain didn't just flood Indonesians. We are all equal under the blue, blue sky—and down there, is murk and mud. We are the same as stones and wildflowers—although I dig the Bee Gees more than my friend's Rage Against the Machine. No big deal. It's all good. We don't have to argue about it. Dig? 🥹😗😑

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Local poet Pasckie Pascua reads from his new book, with guests Randi Janelle, Keegan Avery and Devon Vuillier at Firestorm Cafe on Jan 16

LOCAL poet Pasckie Pascua resumes reading from his book, “Red is the Color of my Night” in a Traveling Bonfires show at Firestorm Cafe & Books ( in West Asheville on Jan 16, Saturday. He will be joined by author and spoken word artist Randi Janelle and singer-songwriter Keegan Avery and poet Devon Vuillier. 
       Firestorm is located at 610 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806 (tel # 828 255-8115). The free or donations-only show starts at 7. Firestorm's mission is to demonstrate the feasibility and desirability of a workplace based on free cooperation. The Cafe seeks to sustain and nourish the collective through fulfilling work, personal empowerment and equitable compensation.

       Randi Janelle is an author, photographer, performance poet, yoga instructor, cat whisperer. She calls Asheville home, but has lived and toured in Australia and New Zealand, and understands the phrases "fair dinkum" and "keen as." She's nourishing a coaching program along with writing “The Story” series. The first book “The Story: Deviation” is available to revel in, and the second book, “The Story: Possession” is due out in spring of 2017. 
       Keegan Avery is a local singer songwriter whose music exudes the sylvan mysticism of the mountains as well as the accessibility of a neighborhood troubadour. He is currently working on full CD and would be happy to share choice songs in the show.
Devon Vuillier was born in the sunny coastal city of Clearwater in Florida, and has been a resident of Asheville since childhood. Devon writes poetry as a way to get by with harsh moments in her life—but it was only until last year when she went out and joined readings in downtown Asheville that she developed confidence to share her work. Her poems mirror the angst of youth of her generation as well as the potentials of a matured poet way ahead of her age. She is currently in the process of putting together a chapbook of her choice poems so far.
       The Traveling Bonfires, a “people’s culture” organization that advocates family wisdom and community connectedness, has long been advocating alternative healing, herbal cures, and other non-conventional medical means through “Food Poets Society,” a food and music/arts interface program, and its cancer-awareness events and concerts. The show, which also serves as part of Pascua's continuing series of readings to help fundraise for The Bonfires' typhoon rehab projects in his home country, the Philippines.
       Born in the Philippines and reinvented in New York City, the Traveling Bonfires arrived in the mountains in1999 and almost immediately made Asheville its home. Founded and head by Pascua, the TBonfires has also produced and organized shows in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Washington DC and other North and South Carolina cities through the years. The organization puts up the summertime music convergence, “Bonfires for Peace at Pritchard Park” in downtown Asheville. Loved by the Buffalo is an independent publishing outfit based in Asheville.
MORE performer infos: Pasckie: Randi: / Keegan:
AND or or find Pasckie Pascua on Facebook.
POSTER design by Randi Janelle.